Healthy Eating, Back to the basics
There's a lot of talk around about healthy food these days. People are talking about lowering their intake of oils, fats, junk and fast food, which indicates the increasing consciousness towards eating organic. Even in the term of diet plans, there are various things that many health food gurus are suggesting, that is, FODMAP diet plan, Atkins diet, Caveman diet, fat flush diet, etc.
to start with, what is healthy food? Healthy food is that food referred to the food that leaves positive impact on your body. In the context, the famous saying of "You are what you eat" stands absolutely correct. Ayurveda, the oldest known medical science, claims that every edible commodity has some or other health benefit or constraints., which supports the above statement that food affects our body. Its pros and cons depends upon three questions - what, when and where.
Although healthy eating can be fairly simple, the mushrooming of various diet plans and diet gurus have created a great confusion among many. To a layman, these trends often create distractions rather than providing solutions to his queries. Please keep one thing in mind that every body type is different and operated differently, which can be based on your lifestyles, daily work routine and, of course, eating habits.
By Chef Gautam Chaudhry