Ayurvedic Cuisine Dietary Guidelines for Preserving Health by Manan Chakraborty

Ayurvedic Cuisine Dietary Guidelines for Preserving Health by Manan Chakraborty

VERILY, THE FOOD WE EAT IS WHAT WE BECOME. YES, THIS IS A TIME-PROVEN FACT IN THIS COVID ERA.It is also a time proven fact that we live and we are hea

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The changing landscape of careers in tourism & hospitality industry in the digital age after COVID 19

The changing landscape of careers in tourism & hospitality industry in the digital age after COVID 19

The COVID 19 outbreak is an unforeseen event and nobody had ever imagined the level and scale of impact it has had on countries and economies. Adding

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Success is our journey and not a destination - Chef Ranojit Kundu

Success is our journey and not a destination - Chef Ranojit Kundu

It was the early 90’s when our Indian Government was occupied with reviewing, reforming and laying the foundation for betterment, in every field o

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Breaking the Pandemic – Getting The Industry Back, Experts Write Series: Chef Davinder Kumar, ICF

Breaking the Pandemic – Getting The Industry Back, Experts Write Series: Chef Davinder Kumar, ICF

Tourism and hospitality as an industry, considered to be the epitome of the service industry will need to reinvent the wheel and figure out strategies

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How will India’s organic food market shape up after the coronavirus

How will India’s organic food market shape up after the coronavirus

By Sunil KumarWe have been hearing a lot about organic food, especially since the past 10 years or so. During this time, the market for Organics world

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